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The Art Guild Presents Abstract Watercolor with Esther Marie

  • Long Island NY (map)


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Abstract Watercolor with Esther Marie

Adult Classes - online | Available


The Art Guild




All levels


Monday, January 24, 2022-Monday, February 28, 2022


12:30 PM-3:00 PM on Mon


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Begin Registration

Program Description

An exciting lesson exploring the power of color in abstract painting. Find inspiration in the shapes and hues of life or from images and use the familiar as a jumping off pointalism to abstraction. Paint to music and respond to the beats with color. Artists of all skill levels can find success in abstract watercolors by using color theory to express the intangible qualities of emotion and mood, while experimenting with different paint application techniques.

Click here to see more of Esther Marie's art.

*No Class 2/21.

Special Notes

  • Classes are confirmed one week prior to the start date so please register as soon as possible. There is a chance classes will be canceled if there is low enrollment. Your payment will be fully refunded if the class is cancelled.

    Click here for our cancellation policies.

Required Supplies

  • Make sure you wear your “art” clothes. Pigments from materials may stain clothing, fabrics and other surfaces.

  • PAPER is VERY important!! I recommend an artist block of Arches, Cold Press, 140 lb., 9” x 12”

  • PAINTS: Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Lemon Yellow, Viridian Green, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine, Payne’s Grey, Sepia.

  • Different types of Paint Brands I recommend: Grumbacher, Holbein and Winsor Newton

  • Several photographs for reference.

  • Brushes: round tip #8 or 10, 1/2 inch flat tip, slant tip, one large round brush #20, 25, or 30. Smaller brushes for detail.

  • A color chart, cup to place water, cloth or paper towel, a palette, a pencil and gum eraser are also required.